Monday 29 January 2007

Kells, Co. Meath, Ireland

St Columba's Church and Round Tower

St Colmcille's House, but the gate was locked when I visited today. A sign board on the gate shows "Key from Mrs Carpenter, lower church view 200 yards". Since I have already seen the house 3 month ago, so I decided not going to bother her this time.
I met Mrs Carpenter during my last visit while she was weeding the garden of the house, She was kind enough to show me around and told me the legend story of the book and monks, the secret passage from the house to the church (but still undiscovered). Inside house is pretty empty, there is a shallow ladder to the top of house. a place to make the holly wishes, I did pray and made only one wish, with full of my sincere. but sad enough, it is a wish never able be fulfilled, I only know that after 3 month later...

Market cross is a cross of unevenful fate. It has been moved several times during history, eventually, in 1996, a motorist took a tight turn on cross street, reversed and toppled this 1000-year-old cross. After that, Market Cross has been repaired and moved to the front of heritage centre.

Friday 26 January 2007

Venice, Italy (Bronzen)

Valese Fonditore
in venezia dal 1913
san marco 793 calle fiubera - venezia
Lavori D'artigianato Veneziano in ottone, bronzo, rame, peltro e feero battuto
(Venetian Artisan Works in brass, bronze, cupper, pewter and hammered Iron.)









Venice, Italy (shop)

Same as Venice never shortage of water, it is a city never shortage of seductive shops as well.

Venice, Italy (cont'd)

Piazza & basilica di San Marco

palazzo Ducale

Bridge of Sighs (ponte dei sospiri)

Venice, Italy

water, water, water... Never feel any city as feminine as Venice before. Venice, a city full of water...

Sunday 21 January 2007

Verona, Italy (cont'd)

Lovely dog clothes in Italy. :)

The reason I am visiting Verona is Juliet's house is there, the place where Shakespeare's romantic happened. But unfortunately I didn't meet any Romeo at that house. :(

Verona, Italy

Impressive narrow streets and pink color marble houses...

Turin, Italy

Someone told me the minister was there in the group, but who is him?

Val Thoren, France

My typical day in UPCA Val Thoren

8:00 - 8:30 wake up, hot shower
8:30 - 9:00 breakfast
9:15 - 12: 15 snow-boarding
12:30 - 13:00 lunch
13:45 - 17:00 snow-boarding
17:00 - 17:30 hot shower
17:30 - 18:00 having tea in the bar
18:00 - 18:30 stretching exercise
18:30 - 19:15 go to the bar again, if not, lying on the bed
19:15 - 20:00 dinner
20:00 - 21:00 have some ice cream, then doing nothing
21:00 - 24: 00 party, party, party
24:00 - 4:00 sleeping super exhausted
4:00 - 8:00 awaked with full body muscle pain, so twisted in bed and trying to comfort sore bones

Saturday 13 January 2007


Andorra is a tiny country in between France and Spain. It is nothing more than a hill station with lots of shops and a stop for skiiing in surrounding Pyreenes.
Although I am feeling very cold, but most of people said it is a pretty warm winter in Europe. Finally I saw that, as it looks so funny when seeing people skiing without much snow...
The so call capital of Andorra, Le Velle, is a small town with streets and streets of shops. eventhough I am not planning to buy anything but when seeing so many shops... I still end up with a full shopping bag, the last minute shopping for the ski gear.

In a Internet cafe in Tollouse, France now. But it is so painful to type in French keyboard, hardly can find letters I needed. so stop typing by now, train to Lyon tomorrow morning; then bus to Val Thorens afternoon.

Friday 12 January 2007

Barcelona (cont´d)

Sick of seeing the numerous museums in Barcelona, so only visited one museum (Museum Picasso) and the rest of day is getting lost in the narrow streets.